Graduate Research Summer Fellowship
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The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences plays a key role in maintaining Yale’s standing as a world-class educational institution. As a result, The Yale Club of Philadelphia established The Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship.
The Ph.D. is a research degree. Graduate students come to Yale because the faculty is comprised of world known scholars who are pushing the frontiers of knowledge and publishing in the highest ranked journals. They have the opportunity to learn from collaboration as well as lectures. Students in Yale College benefit from the enthusiasm and knowledge that the faculty derives from research.
The award is limited to a student in the Humanities or Social Sciences because there are fewer sources of financial aid in those fields than in the Sciences. By giving preference to a student who has a connection with the Philadelphia area, we continue to honor our city’s scholarly heritage. Applications should be sent to Dean Allegra di Bonaventura, who will forward them along to the committee in Philadelphia.
Purpose of Award: Dissertation research and writing
Fields: Humanities and Social Sciences
Amount of Award: Up to $3,000
Type of Award: Summer Fellowship